
Combination of active complex Bacteria and multiple enzymes.

New biostimulant compost fermentation accelerator with added bacteria boosting ingredient carrier. 


1.Livestock manure fermentation

2.compost fermentation

3.soil improvement

4.sewage purification

5.deodorant effect

6.pest control

7.harmful bacteria control

Comporese is an organic material that combines several powerful microorganisms and several functional enzymes and is highly effective in promoting organic catalysts such as compost fermentation, soil improvement, household waste decomposition, septic tank activity, and sewage purification, and also has a wide range of capabilities such as deodorizing effects and inhibiting pest infestation and pathogenic bacteria growth.

Main Added Enzymes and Enzymes Produced by Bacteria

1.Protease Proteolytic enzyme

2.Bata-Xylanase semi-fibrinolytic enzyme

3.Cellulase Fibrinolytic enzyme

4.Cell wall Lyase Cell wall degrading enzyme

5.Chitinase Chitin and chitosan degrading enzyme

The synergistic action of the above several microorganisms decomposes organic matter and makes compost easy to digest and absorb, and these bacteria, which have accelerated fermentation, multiply in the compost and further multiply in the soil.

In addition, the enzymes produced during the propagation of the fungi enhance the growth of crops and help to purify the production environment with their unique functions.

Cell wall degrading enzymes break down the cell walls of pathogenic microorganisms, and chitin degrading enzymes break down the chitinous cells of flies and insect eggs, effectively controlling harmful bacteria and insect pests.



Method of use

Fermentation and composting of livestock manure and poultry manure: 300g-500g per ton of solid manure

Agitation and turnover fermentation

However, it is necessary to increase the amount depending on the season and moisture content.

Compost fermentation: Basically the same as in the case of livestock manure fermentation

Household waste: 450g per 2,500 liters for professional use, 50g once a month thereafter

Drainpipes, sewage ditches 15g per month

Soil improvement: Use of compost fermented with this Comporese bacteria is effective.

Lakes, ponds, reservoirs 15 g/m monthly in accordance with quantity of sludge or phytoplankton.

Pest control: Eggs in compost are killed during fermentation.



1.Microbial activity is related to temperature, so activity will decrease at low temperatures.

2.Combination with fungicides and insecticides will reduce the activity of the bacteria.

For Aquaculture

Water treatment

1. Reduction of BOD SS, COD

2. Reduction of malodor such as ammonia and nitrate

3. Increase of productivity (better growth and lower mortality)